For 2024-2025
Applications and Registration Information, please contact :
Mrs. Priddy in the main office
[email protected]
2024-2025 Tuition Rates
With an affordable family tuition plan and solid traditional curriculum combined with technology, extracurricular activities, and financial aid for those who qualify, Saint Anna Catholic School has much to offer students and their families.
You can peruse our website and read all about us, but what is the best way to learn about St. Anna? Spend the day here! We have a shadow program in which we pair your child with a current student. They attend classes and eat lunch together. We suggest Mondays to shadow, so that your child will have the chance to attend school Mass with our Pastor, Fr. Carlos!
We appreciate your interest in St. Anna Catholic School, and we look forward to welcoming you to our school community. Enrolling your children at St. Anna enables them to experience a long-standing tradition of academic excellence that is rich in spiritual formation. Choosing a Catholic education is truly an investment in their future!
Saint Anna Catholic School accepts admissions applications on a rolling basis.
At the time of registration, all new students seeking admission to St. Anna Catholic School are evaluated on the basis of current standardized test scores and report cards. These will be reviewed to determine whether the program at St. Anna's will meet the educational needs of the students. All new students will be given a trial period (through their first quarter progress report) in which to prove him/herself both socially and academically. If there are any problems during this trial period, the student may be asked to withdraw his/her attendance.
Pre-Kindergarten programs are available for both half- and full-days. The half-day program runs from 8:30am to 12:00 pm, and the full-day program runs from 8:30am to 3:00 pm.
There is a non-refundable registration fee of $175 that must be submitted with the completed application. For returning students, the fee increases to $200 after March 1st.
St. Anna School uses FACTS for tuition payments and extended care billing. Payment plans are available as needed.
Additional fundraising events are scheduled for the school year. Although they are not included in the tuition payment, families are encouraged to participate as fully as possible, since the additional revenue directly benefits the students.
Financial aid is available through the Catholic Schools Office. Please contact us for more information or click here for the FACTS financial aid website.
The deadline for financial aid applications is March 7, 2025.
St. Anna Catholic School does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, or age in accordance with the law. Students must meet academic and behavior requirements at each grade level. Transfer students may be admitted with probationary status. This school gives preference to Catholic students who belong to St. Anna Parish; second, to their siblings; third, to Catholic students affiliated with other parishes; and fourth, to non-Catholic students.